Thursday, October 8, 2020

WALK OF THE DEAD (aka Vengeance of the Zombies, aka La rebelión de las muertas, aka...)

Walk of the Dead (Vengeance of the Zombies) Movie Review

A brainwashing weirdo (Spanish b-horror legend Paul Naschy) brings back recently murdered women to form an army of zombies.

Here are a few now

 Fun fact right out of the gate: the female lead is played by a woman named last name. Just Romy. Here's another fun fact: this 1973 film was released under at least 17 different titles. It was originally released in its native Spain as La rebelión de las muertas. Here in the States, its premiere title was Vengeance of the Female Zombies, it was dubbed as Vengeance of the Zombies, and was reissued as Walk of the Dead (the title it carried when I caught it on Tubi). I can't speak for any other version, but the presentation of the one on Tubi is wonderful--with all the skips, pops, buzzes, and scratches, you can almost get the feel you are in a 1970's drive in theater or grindhouse and can practically hear the projector running. As one may expect, this movie is filled with weird stuff. There's zombies, voodoo, sacrifices, and a bizarre dream sequence that features Satan himself (also Paul Naschy)

There's too much going on here

Honestly, it's kind of hard to keep up with this movie because 1) the dubbing is suspicious and 2) the lack of direction is staggering. The dialogue is mind-numbing, so honestly, if you decide to search this movie out, just forget the story entirely and enjoy the presentation. Aside from the film's about to fly off the projector presentation, there's still more to love about the visuals here--the movie is bloody, and this is pulled off brilliantly. You'll know when this is coming too, and this is one of my favorite things about this movie--before anything gory happens, there is a horn sound and a graphic that reads "Shock Notice", but most of the time you can't see all the letters. This will flash and sound for a few seconds before going away, and the movie picking back up right where it left off. 

I can't make this stuff up

The visual awesomeness doesn't stop there, however. Believe it or not, there are some scenes that are absolutely terrifying and may have you turning the lights on. There is some unintentional hilarity as well, as technically speaking, the movie does have its shortcomings--the woman rolling over on the bed and practically taking out the camera was fantastic. Most unfortunate is that for a movie that is so out there, the end is as dull as possible, leaving the viewer frustrated and disappointed. That aside, this was a really fun, odd movie. If you're looking for something out of the ordinary to watch in the middle of the night or around Halloween, give this one a shot. 

On A Scale Of One To Ten: 6

Walk of the Dead (Vengeance of the Zombies) Movie Trailer

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