Tuesday, February 18, 2020


The Alpha Incident Movie Review

Deadly organisms from Mars are accidentally let loose on a train. At the next station the train (and the pace of the movie) come to a screeching halt, as a quarantine is ordered. What we're left with is a handful of uninteresting characters talking...and talking...and talking for the remainder of the film. Released in 1978, this movie is a true test of your dedication to making through a showing in one sitting. At 95 minutes, this movie truly feels at least twice as long. There is but one character in this movie who is somewhat likable and, of course, they kill him off before reaching the half-way mark.

"Spoiler Alert!"

Toward the end of the movie we FINALLY see what happens to the infected, and that is entertaining in a so bad it's good way, so there's that. Honestly, loyal readers, I wish there was more to say about this movie, but there really isn't. It's not an exaggeration to say that at least 98 percent of this movie is untalented actors reading the lines from a poorly written script with no story advancement, suspense, horror, or anything of any interest at all actually happening. In reality, this is two out of ten, but I'm feeling nice, so I'll add an extra point just for my man Buck Flower being in the film.

On A Scale Of One To Ten: 3

I couldn't find a trailer, but the entire movie is out there...I like you too much to link that here. 

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