Saturday, February 9, 2019


Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever Movie Review

A flesh-eating virus breaks out, and the students at a high school prom are falling victim to it. 

Lots of missing flesh here

This is the follow up to Eli Roth's 2002 film Cabin Fever--that movie was somewhat clever, groundbreaking, and grotesque in all the right ways--the sequel is none of the above. This movie is disgusting, childish, lowest common denominator rubbish that is, for the most part, a waste of time. To make matters worse, the dialogue is dreadful, practically all the characters are one-dimensional stereotypes, and the comedy (this is a horror comedy film, in case I didn't mention that) is painfully unfunny. The gore is so over the top it is boring, but I do give the movie makers credit for steering away (for the most part) from CGI. Literally the only interesting thing about this film is the relationship between Paul (Rider Strong) and Cassie (Alexi Wasser), his longtime friend--Paul's meltdown at the prom when Cassie shows up with his nemesis is by far and away the best scene in this movie, and stands as a battle cry for male teens all around the world. If you have seen Cabin Fever and are curios about it's sequel, never satisfy that curiosity...just run away from it.

On A Scale Of One To Ten: 3

Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever Movie Trailer

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