Friday, July 10, 2020

FALL BREAK (aka The Mutilator)

Fall Break Movie Review

Ed (Jack Chatham) goes a little mad after his wife is accidentally shot and killed by their child. Years later, Ed, who apparently delights in killing anything breathing, stalks his son and his son’s friends. This is a rather run-of-the-mill 1980’s slasher flick that focuses more on the methods of murder than any sort of story or character development--not that you expect a lot of character development from a slasher film, but you usually get at least some of it. Unfortunately, there’s not a ton of gore to make up for it either, though the end is a bit bloody. The acting is beyond rough here, especially from Morey Lampley as Mike—1980's horror featured a lot of really bad actors, and Lampley may be the worst of them all.

"How dare you!"

Lampley's performance when Mike meets his inevitable fate is so bad you have to see it to believe it--picture Amilyn's death in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie, for those of you sadly not aware there was a movie before the television show) but remove the intentional hilarity of it.  There is an unusual amount of comedy in this movie, including slapstick, that seems way out of place but certainly falls under the category of “I didn’t see that coming” there’s that. The song at the beginning and end of the movie (and possibly in the middle. I don’t know. It seemed to always be playing, but that could be because it was stuck in my head for hours after I first heard it) is kind of like the movie itself—a bit of a mess and not something you would seek out, but also not something you completely turn away from.

On A Scale Of One To Ten: 5

Fall Break Movie Trailer

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